Deadliest Catch

Hook Dispute Almost Costs Time Bandit Its Pots! | Deadliest Catch

Foreign 500 miles north of Dutch Harbor, you got 37 pops up here, and they’re all like a half a mile apart on the Time Bandit. We know we got easterly and Northeast coming, which is going to be evil again. But hey, Steph and he’s going to give me the new ice report that came out. We’ll see what that’s going to do.

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Annie, ice is coming. It’s good to be scared of that. Where Paul and I got about three more days fishing and then retreat. Oh yeah, the report from Captain Jonathan Hillstrand’s brother Andy: ice flows are on the march, moving at speeds of up to 10 miles per day. Meaning the veteran skipper must find fast fishing or sacrifice his pots on the altar of the ice.

So I gotta go up there and stack that on, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do then. So I’ll have to call you up and have a conference with you, executive decision time or whatever.

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On the long strength, and I’ll throw the shorts straight, bro. You got all the phones that we’re going to ask for 100 in the street. Okay, brother, okay, sounds good. That was your brother Adam, wow. Freddy and Jared Porter always had issues of fighting do over there.

It is here. Kicked me out, you understand me? Freddy’s been here a long time. I think he feels like he needs to throw the hook. He doesn’t want no one to miss, and it takes a lot of pride and, and he said like you gotta earn that.

It’s not a green horn by far. He’s been fishing a long time. Are you on my way? Thank you. Sure, we’re a team here. You know, one guy can’t do all the work, so we gotta split it up. Hopefully we can figure it out.

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I’m ready, but she’s teed off because he walked away. Say spice, bro. I go, hey, hey buddy. It sounds like Jared probably could have approached it a little bit differently. It’s not taking your job, he just wants to throw a couple. I want you to be happy. No, he didn’t. No, you didn’t.

I’ll tell him about them. How about let him throw this ring, and I’m gonna get you guys together, and we’ll make it work. But make it work, all that trouble.

I got about three more days before the ice gets here. So we’ll see what this first one’s got in, and then, you know, hopefully we’ll run into some. That’s a good pawn. Oh, that mullet, all that money. Yeah, ready.

That’s free 300, 300.

We needed this because the ice has kind of shut the whole damn grounds down. So we might be able to get what we need and get out of here. We’re gonna dump it back, guys.

Hopefully we get away with this. Stand by and see if I’m an idiot or not. Got a phone call coming in, coming in hot. Johnny, you got me? Yeah, it’s Sig, Northwestern. Oh hey, Sig, how you doing man? I’m good, I can see you down there. Have you got the latest ice report? Danny gave me the ice edge, and it’s supposed to be right here in three more days. That’s what I heard. I think you heard wrong. Oh no, it’s supposed to be there in a day. Hey, don’t spread out too far. Too late. Well, Sig just called me, told me the ice will be here tomorrow. Okay, thank you, Sig. All right, good luck. Okay, okay, bye. Says ice is gonna hit us, and it’s supposed to be here in 24 hours. When my brother said three more days. Well, that’s a big difference. Very large difference. I gotta pull it quick as I can to save those pots.

Here we go, yesterday and today, the hook is down there. What are they doing up there? A [ __ ]. See, that was between The Dead Boys and then got huge somewhere down there. By failing to stow the hook properly, Proume and Jared Porter breaches boat etiquette, allowing the steel to lodge under the Time Bandit’s deck boards. All got stuck, so I don’t want to cut it because I need this. I want to make him get that thing out. Hey Freddy, I can go really slow if you need to pull a deck board or something. Yeah, Roger. Bob’s not touching my hook ever again. Captain will do it. Watch out, there’s a bunch of waves here.

Foreign, I don’t have time for this. We got all kinds of other problems. This is the most stupid thing I’ve ever dealt with. Done with this, I’m done with it. Fire him right now, he can stay in his bunk. Oh man, but I’m not dealing with this. So let’s let him throw the hook, and then we’ll just get it through the season. Let him throw the [ __ ]. Just be a bigger man, okay? Thank you. Yeah, and just be happy. I’m not gonna play these stupid games, so he goes out there and gets his ass beat up. Good, I love them both, but this is ridiculous. You’re never gonna touch my new gamer again. Please.

You got it back, so shut the [ __ ] up, Freddy. Thank you. God, it’s your hook for the rest of the season. It’s very important for the rest of the season.

Oh, thank you, steady. Broke up there.

Crabs still got crabs. Swing that ass. That’s a good table, 300. Oh yeah.

Freaking spot. This needs to hold up a little bit longer. Please hold up. Don’t want to get hit by the ice.

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