Deadliest Catch

‘Deadliest Catch’ Fans Slam Jacob Hutchins, Why?

‘Deadliest Catch’ Fans Slam Jacob Hutchins, Why?
Jacob Hutchins - Deadliest Catch - Discovery - YouTube

Deadliest Catch fans saw Jacob Hutchins work Season 19 on F/V Wizard under Captain Keith Colburn. They clashed and in Season 20, Discovery Channel fans are slamming the musically inclined character who works with Rick Shelford on The F/V Aleutian Lady. Read on to find out why fans have a downer on Jacob.

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Deadliest Catch Crew Move Around

Crews change often and Jacob Hutchins arrived in Season 19 with a burning desire to become the first African-American Bering Sea captain. However, he was downgraded to bait man, then to staying in his cabin under the rather short-tempered Captain Keith Colburn. And this season, he annoyed Keith even though he wasn’t on the same vessel.

Keith Colburn - Deadliest Catch - Discovery Channel - YouTube
Keith Colburn – Deadliest Catch – Discovery Channel – YouTube

Jacob Hutchins under Rick Shelford upset Keith by putting his pots close to his line, which made for angry words between Rick and Keith. Discovery Channel shows there’s extreme competition with the red crabbing season. So, tempers run short. However, many people think Jacob is just a storyline as the Deadliest Catch show becomes more and more scripted.

Discovery Channel Fans Slam Jacob Hutchins

While some Discovery Channel fans like the scripted drama, others can’t stand it. Jacob seems like an annoying storyline and critics vented about him on Reddit. Many of them claim they fast forward through his scenes.

Jacob with the Season 19 crew - Discovery Channel
Jacob with the Season 19 crew – Discovery Channel

The OP who watches Deadliest Catch slammed Jacob Hutchins on the social media site, saying:

I was praying we were done with this egomaniac clown but I see he’s permitted to stay on. You know Rick can’t stand him.

The critic was not alone in complaining and soon, others started slamming Jacob in the discussion that followed. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • Jacob is there as one of Discovery’s storylines. The lines of fiction and reality are blurred and it’s impossible to know what’s real and what isn’t.
  • Yes. It seems like an unnecessary and uninteresting side line when we keep hearing him sing…
  • I fast forward through anything involving his ridiculous storylines that Discovery sets up just for him.
  • Jacob The Aspiring Captain. He really wants to be a captain, you know. He was living out of the back seat of his car a few years ago and look at him now. He whines a lot and has problems with people in positions of authority. But he thinks he’s captain material. And Discovery will ram this down our throats all season. Any boat owner who puts him in the wheelhouse is certifiably nuts.

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What are your thoughts about those who slam Jacob Hutchins? Do you agree that it all seems contrived and scripted? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Deadliest Catch news.

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