Deadliest Catch

‘Deadliest Catch’ Captain Sig Hansen Angers Crew With Mandy

‘Deadliest Catch’ Captain Sig Hansen Angers Crew With Mandy

Deadliest Catch - Captain Sig Hanson - Discovery

Captain Sig Hanson made some decisions about his 18-year-old daughter, Mandy Hanson that angered his crew. Furthermore, rough weather conditions made things uncomfortable for the Deadliest Catch crew as they hauled in the crabs in the stormy Bering Sea.

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Discovery Channel’s Captain Sig Hanson Has A Hardworking Crew

Some people don’t like the direction that the Discovery show takes at the moment. And, it doesn’t seem to be about the fact that more women are at sea. Actually, it’s about them not pulling their weight. Viewers are already familiar with Sophia Nielsen on F/V Victory. In Mandy’s case, it’s more about her boss-dad favoring her. Naturally, it’s a hard and dangerous job, and the crew doesn’t like to go shorthanded.

Deadliest Catch FV Northwestern - Discovery YouTube
Deadliest Catch FV Northwestern – Discovery YouTube

It’s not the first time Captain Sig Hanson had family aboard the FV Northwestern. Probably, you recall the time that Clark Pederson, his son-in-law took over. That came when Mary Hanson expected her baby. The difference is that he at least already had some experience on the fishing vessel. In a new clip from the Discovery show, Mandy certainly didn’t help in a tough situation.

Deadliest Catch Mandy Gets Special Favor, Angers Crew

Lifting the pots is always a hard job on Deadliest Catch, and Jake Anderson was unhappy. That came when Mandy’s absence was noticed as everyone worked hard. Discovering her asleep on her bunk pushed up the temperature. Furious, he asked her if she was going to join them or just “lay there.” Well, she decided to continue her nap. So, he “lit her up” with some flames near her feet.

Mandy Hanson - Deadliest Catch - YouTube
Mandy Hanson – Deadliest Catch – YouTube

Captain Sig Hanson seemed more worried that his daughter got burned, which she didn’t. Finally, she joined the Deadliest Catch crew hauling out crabs. However, it didn’t last very long as the weather worsened. Fearing for his daughter, the captain called her up to the bridge and had her take over the wheel. Of course, as she’s inexperienced, her boat-handling caused multiple waves to pour over the rest of the crew. That made them even more unhappy, and they grumbled a lot about the special favor.

Captain Sig felt justified because she is his daughter, saying:

As a dad you want to protect them, you know?

As far as the crew was concerned, he should have left her at home. After all, Mandy Hanson is the daughter of the boss. While they let Sig know they weren’t happy, there wasn’t much they could do about it. Additionally, she admitted to feeling “nervous” at the wheel in rough weather.

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What are your thoughts about Captain Sig Hanson letting Mandy pilot the vessel in rough weather? Do you agree that he’s placing her in an embarrassing situation with the rest of the crew? Is he making a mistake? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Deadliest Catch news.

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