Viewers were outraged at Sean and Joanne for getting married without telling their children. “Parents like that are unacceptable.”

Seán and Joanne are under fire for their parenting decisions.
The couple was introduced this season on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, and their storyline caught viewers’ attention off the bat.
Joanne, a 43-year-old psychic/astrologist from America, met Seán, a 38-year-old MMA fighter from Ireland, on social media.
After Seán’s call with Joanne, they quickly realized they had a connection, and their relationship turned romantic.
During one of Joanne’s trips to Ireland to visit Seán, the couple decided to get hitched.
However, they kept their marriage a secret for two years, including from their children, parents, and friends.
Joanne told her mom, Donna, that she was married to Seán before she and her boys, Joey and Jesse, visited him in Ireland, and as we watched, that did not go over well.
Seán and Joanne break the news to their kids
On Monday night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, titled No Hard Feelings?, Seán and Joanne finally broke the news to Joanne’s sons, Jesse and Joey, Seán’s daughter, Bella, and Joanne’s best friend.
The news came as a shock to their loved ones and also to 90 Day Fiance fans.
@omfgrealitytv shared a clip of the scene on Instagram in a Reel captioned, “Joanne tells the kids that her and Sean are already married.”
In the comments section, 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way viewers sounded off, taking aim at Seán and Joanne for waiting two years to tell their kids they were husband and wife.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way viewers chastise Seán and Joanne
“TWO YEARS?!?!” wrote @rza_small. “Yeah y’all waited for this show to hire you both and then waited to have your kids on television to tell them? Great parenting.”
Another one of Seán and Joanne’s critics asked whether they come first or their kids, calling their decision to wait to tell their kids two years later in front of TV cameras “unacceptable” and “sad.”
@vanity_jade felt as though Joey, Jesse, and Bella’s reactions “alone should tell [Joanne] something.”
One 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way viewer couldn’t believe that “real parents” would “drag their kids on international TV [just] to humiliate and confuse them publicly like this for no reason.”

Instagram user @beauty000077 commented that Joanne ruined her trust with her 18-year-old son, Joey, calling the moment “heartbreaking.”
Their comment continued, calling Joanne’s decision to elope “extremely selfish.”
Another commenter felt terrible for the kids, especially since they’re at “young and impressionable” ages.
“And on tv you tell them. Terrible,” they added.
What does Seán and Joanne’s future hold now that the cat is out of the bag?
Now that Seán and Joanne have relieved a massive weight from their shoulders by finally telling their loved ones they’re married, the next step is to decide where they will live.
Between Seán’s visa issue preventing him from coming to the US temporarily, his reluctance to live in the States, and two minor children in the equation, they have a lot to contemplate.
Whether Joanne has already relocated to Ireland remains to be seen, but as Monsters and Critics reported, there are signs that the New Yorker may have already made the move.
Seán and Joanne filmed several videos from Ireland on Instagram, which could mean that either Joanne moved to be with her husband or that she visits often.